(what's it all going to cost me?)
(Minimal retouching offered at no charge. If more extensive retouching is desired, the folks at Reproductions do a great job and are reasonably priced. I also recommend them for the mass production of your headshots.)
Within 2-3 days of the shoot you will receive an email containing a 'link' to your personalized online gallery. Take your time reviewing your images. Share the 'link' with others so they can view the images. Once you've made your selections, the high res images will be sent to you online via "you send it", or you can opt to pick up a DVD of the images. Any additional selections will be available for $25.00 each (plus retouching if needed).
Makeup and Hair (request when scheduling your session): $200.00
For women: I strongly suggest that you use a professional makeup artist to do the makeup for your headshots. You should have someone there whose sole purpose is to make sure that you look great all throughout your session. Makeup is the last thing you should be concerned with. The artists I work with are highly skilled at makeup for photography, and they will ensure that you look your best. But, you don't have to use the artists I work with. If you know someone that you trust to do your make up, bring them along.
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Bottom Line
Headshot Session: $650.00. That said, I am open to working with people based on their financial situation. So, if you like my work, call anyway. Consultations are free.
I do not have multiple packages for headshots. A session is a session. It runs anywhere from 2 to 3.5 hours depending on any number of variables which have to do with finding the over all look that works for "you." As an artist, I hate feeling rushed or setting constraints, and I'm sure you do, too. I'll take the time I feel is needed to get great headshots.
A session includes:
- 3 looks
- no limit on number of shots
- 3 high res digital images